Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Welcome to EG1471! In the next twelve weeks, you will be writing many different pieces, as well as commenting on what your classmates write. This will give you training in writing structured pieces that are appropriate for an academic context.

e-Community Portfolio 2

TOPIC: EG1471 lecture topic/issue

LENGTH: 300-400 words

DUE DATE: 3 Sept (Thur)

  • News feature, such as a description or summary
  • Brief communication such as an explanatory or clarification letter to your e-community
  • Review of an article or book on the topic/issue

  • Commentary: an informed opinion of the topic/issue

Evaluation of the Portfolio

85-100 marks

Exceptional performance

75-84 marks
More than 4 items that consistently have excellent content, organization and fluency; at least 10 thoughtful comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students consistently show a high level of interest; clear evidence of extra effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has overall impressive presentation and easy-to-follow organization.

60-74 marks
At least 3 items that fairly consistently have good quality content, organization and fluency; at least 7 mostly thoughtful comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students consistently show some level of interest; some evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has overall attractive presentation and generally easy-to-follow organization.

50-59 marks
At least 3 items that generally have adequate content, organization and fluency; at least 5 comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students show little interest; little evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has fair presentation and organization; quality of work may be inconsistent.

40-49 marks
2 items; or 4 items that do not have acceptable content, organization and fluency for an undergraduate; fewer than 5 comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students show very little interest; very little evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has poor presentation and organization.

0-39 marks
No portfolio; 15% or more of portfolio plagiarized; 1 item; no comments on classmates’ work; comments from other students show no interest; no evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness.