Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Evaluation of the Portfolio

85-100 marks

Exceptional performance

75-84 marks
More than 4 items that consistently have excellent content, organization and fluency; at least 10 thoughtful comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students consistently show a high level of interest; clear evidence of extra effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has overall impressive presentation and easy-to-follow organization.

60-74 marks
At least 3 items that fairly consistently have good quality content, organization and fluency; at least 7 mostly thoughtful comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students consistently show some level of interest; some evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has overall attractive presentation and generally easy-to-follow organization.

50-59 marks
At least 3 items that generally have adequate content, organization and fluency; at least 5 comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students show little interest; little evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has fair presentation and organization; quality of work may be inconsistent.

40-49 marks
2 items; or 4 items that do not have acceptable content, organization and fluency for an undergraduate; fewer than 5 comments on your classmates’ work; comments from other students show very little interest; very little evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness; portfolio has poor presentation and organization.

0-39 marks
No portfolio; 15% or more of portfolio plagiarized; 1 item; no comments on classmates’ work; comments from other students show no interest; no evidence of effort to improve areas of weakness.